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GraphQL introduction

Simplifying data fetching for modern applications

Over the past few years, REST has evolved into the predominant choice for intersystem communication in web applications. Powerful as it is, it still has weaknesses, and although it usually gets the job done, there might be better tools for some jobs.

Graph Query Language (GraphQL) has gained a lot of ground lately, mainly because it can thrive in problems where REST falls short. It works with a completely different mindset, solving a lot of REST’s shortcomings, but having its own weaknesses.

In this article, we will go over the key concepts of GraphQL and compare it to REST in some fundamental aspects.

# What is GraphQL

GraphQL is a specification for a declarative query language, which provides access to a mesh of interconnected data. Simply put, it is a way to give clients access to a dataset, which they can traverse as they wish.

# Schema

A strongly typed schema is used to model the data as a graph and the client can use it to query anything defined in it. Below is a simplistic example, which both illustrates what a schema looks like.

type Author {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  books: [Book!]!

type Book {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  publishedYear: Int!
  author: Author!

type Query {
  books: [Book!]!
  book(id: ID!): Book
  authors: [Author!]!
  author(id: ID!): Author

type Mutation {
  createBook(title: String!, authorId: ID!, publishedYear: Int): Book!
  createAuthor(name: String!): Author!

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

The schema defines the following categories:

  • types: Representations of resources. These constitute the nodes of the graph, while the relationships between them define the edges. In this case, edges would connect the Author nodes to the Book nodes.
  • queries: These can be used by the client to fetch data from the graph.
  • mutations: These can be used by the client to alter the state of the graph.

The queries and the mutations are the entry points to the graph. A client can issue one of the two to perform an operation.

# Key features

Thinking in terms of GraphQL requires a completely different approach. Let’s explore why.

# Declarative data fetching

GraphQL queries are declarative. This means that the client defines the data that are returned. For instance, given the aforementioned books schema, a client may wish to fetch just the ID and title of the books, using the following query:

query {
  books {

However, they could also choose to include the publish year as part of the same query, as follows.

query {
  books {

# Hierarchical

The declarative property becomes much more powerful when combined with the hierarchical property. The hierarchical structure reflects the nested relationships of data, making it intuitive to request related data in a single query, as this structure is also mirrored in the JSON response.

Building on the previous query, the client may also wish to get some data on the author of each book as part of the same query. This can be done as follows:

query {
  books {
    author {

It has to be noted that GraphQL does not specify anything regarding data storage. It only specifies how the client may fetch the data. This means that the authors may be stored in a different database, be part of a configuration, or even be served by a completely different service. The client can still fetch the two pieces of information with a single query, regardless of their storage details.

# Strongly typed

The contract between the server and the client is strongly typed. This is achieved by the schema definition, which describes the types of data available and the relationships between them. Apart from letting the client know what data is available, this also allows the server to validate a query before processing it. It also ensures type safety and consistency, as API changes have to go through the schema and therefore be explicit and controlled.

# Self-documenting

GraphQL addresses the documentation pain point in a very elegant way. Its introspection feature allows clients to query the schema for details about the types, fields, and available queries/mutations. This means clients can dynamically explore and understand the API without external documentation. This essentially serves as live, executable and always up-to-date self-documentation.

# GraphQL vs REST

In the introduction, I mentioned that GraphQL can thrive in problems where REST is weak (and vice versa). Let’s examine some of these areas.

# Data fetching

  • GraphQL: A single endpoint is exposed (typically /graphql), which gives access to the available queries and mutations. The client drives the request, defining the fields that will be returned. This is an extremely powerful feature, as a client can fetch multiple resources by issuing a single network request (HTTP is typical, but not mandatory). This reduces the chances of over-fetching or under-fetching and can be a critical advantage in demanding environments, such as mobile applications, in which battery life and data consumption are important.

  • REST: A RESTful API typically consists of multiple endpoints, the response of which is predefined. Therefore, clients may be forced to issue multiple requests to get data and they might end up getting more data than actually needed.

# Schema and validation

  • GraphQL: A strongly typed schema is defined in the server. Clients can introspect it to understand how to use the contract. By definition, incoming requests are validated and only processed when they are valid.

  • REST: A schema is only implicitly defined and not communicated to the client. Therefore, the client might issue invalid requests. Therefore, incoming requests need to be processed in the application layer to judge their validity.

# Versioning

  • GraphQL: Versioning is not defined. Adding fields is not a breaking change, as the client has to explicitly request them. However, this can become a serious problem if a breaking change needs to take place. Despite the fact that there are workarounds, obstacles can emerge because of the absence of a versioning mechanism.

  • REST: Although there is not an officially defined versioning mechanism, implementing versioning in a RESTful API is trivial and can be achieved in numerous ways. The most typical one is to include a version part in the URL, such as /api/v1/books.

# Error handling

  • GraphQL: GraphQL does not use the HTTP status codes, as it is not mandatory to be server over HTTP anyway. Typically, a response to a GraphQL endpoint will resolve with a 200 HTTP status code. In case of failures, an errors field is included in the response, providing detailed information about what went wrong.

  • REST: Extensive use of the HTTP status codes allows the client to easily identify the outcome of the request and act accordingly.

# Caching

  • GraphQL: Caching can be a challenge when working with GraphQL. The specification does not provide a designated solution. Additionally, the queries are driven by the clients, which means that each query can be different, making caching quite a difficult problem to solve.

  • REST: The REST architectural constraints specify that “responses indicate their own cacheability”. The built-in HTTP caching mechanisms can be leveraged to implement caching in a RESTful API.

# Documentation

  • GraphQL: GraphQL is self-documented, because of the enforced, strongly typed schema. Additionally, the clients can take advantage of its introspection feature to understand the schema.

  • REST: Documentation is not enforced by the architecture. There are plenty of solutions to provide documentation for a RESTful API, such as Swagger, but all of them need to be maintained independently of the API and can be left out-of-date.

# Real-time updates

  • GraphQL: GraphQL subscriptions provide real-time data fetching, allowing clients to receive updates when data changes. Subscriptions are part of the schema, just like queries and mutations.

  • REST: The REST architecture does not provide a solution for real-time updates. Typically, the problem is solved with polling techniques or web sockets.

# Conclusion

GraphQL has emerged as a powerful alternative to REST. It uses a beautiful and radically different mindset than REST. It provides declarative data fetching, it is hierarchical, strongly typed and self-documenting. These features create advantages, making it more suitable than REST for solving some problems, as well as disadvantages.

Compared to REST, it solves the over-fetching/under-fetching problem elegantly, it provides schema validation by definition and always up-to-date documentation. It also provides a well-defined solution for real-time updates. However, it doesn’t easily support versioning and caching. Also, error handling can be a bit more cumbersome.

So, using GraphQL comes with trade-offs, as with nearly everything in software engineering. It’s important to remember that it might be a powerful hammer, but not all problems are nails.

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